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Woonasquatucket River Song.mp3
This song was written to highlight the efforts of Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council and the lyrics were published by Notable Works ( in Voices of the Earth: The Future of Our Planet II in 2020.

We walk on these treasured lands.doc
This poem focuses on the importance of preserving our precious land and natural resources for future generations. This work was published by Notable Works in 2020 in "Voices of Our Earth: The Future of Our Planet II."

rjy6wz_9_print_cover copy.pdf
Original poetry addressing the climate crisis.

Introduction excerpt:
In this time of Covid-19, there is an inevitable weaving together in our psyche, and hence our poetry, of the fears, frustrations and sense of urgency involved in the pandemic…

The Land's Our Legacy- (revised)Presentation by Notable Works.mp4
This video presentation entitled “The Land’s Our Legacy” was produced by Notable Works during 2020, highlighting the efforts of the Nature Conservancy in Rhode Island and featuring original music and poetry by Noreen Inglesi and photos by Jeanne…

The Earth Is In Our Care.mp4
“The Earth Is In Our Care,” a collaborative project between Notable Works Publication and Distribution Co., Inc. ( and Audubon Society of Rhode Island ( ), addresses the vital issue of climate change while focusing on…

the Earth is in our care.mp3
This song addresses the climate crisis snd shares ways we can take an active role in dealing with this crisis.The lyrics were published by Notable Works ( in "Voices of the Earth: The Future of Our Planet II in 2020."

%22She Sits There%22 .pdf
This poem addresses the issue of homelessness and aging and was published in 2021 by Notable Works in "Love Warms the Homeless Heart II."

This poem was published in 2021 by Notable Works Publication and Distribution Co., Inc. (
in Love Warms the Homeless Heart II.

 Re-Discovery (Poem).pdf
This poem was written during the pandemic and talks about the new appreciation we feel for everything and everyone in our lives-nature, our family, friends.....This work was published in 2021 by Notable Works in "Love Warms the Homeless Heart II."

Mexican Environmental Activist Homero Gómez González was murdered in early 2020. This poem responds to that news and the photo of him in the newspaper articles about it, which can be seen…
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