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The City of Providence. The Lower Side of Providence.

So. At the beginning of Covid-19 the hoops were taking down due to the fact we all have to be 6 feet away and wearing mask. But just 2 weeks ago, I went by the Omar Polanco Basketball Court on…

This student work is the result of an assignment in the 2nd grade classrooms of the Henry Barnard School. Students were asked to complete a time capsule with their families from March-May during the stay-at-home order. This student's project includes…

Poem about personal experiences during Covid using the questions from the high school lesson plan template provided on website

Write Rhode Island’s COVID-19 flash non-fiction program Our Lives Now, a co-creation of School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, invites young people in grades 7 through 12 in the state of Rhode Island to submit a 400-word…

A mixed media piece of visual art representing the struggles (mental, emotional, & physical) of a teenager during Covid-19 remote learning.

Deep Breath represents the struggles of a teen seeing my classmates behind a screen in 2020-2021. Along…
This student work is the result of an assignment in the 6th grade classrooms of the Barrington Middle School's Lime Cluster Students who were asked to complete a weekly journal documenting how COVID 19 was impacting their lives from March-June during…

Stenning- narrows - Retina Creative Lab Submission Aug 2020.mp4
Created as part of the 8mm Film Festival
This student work is the result of an assignment in the 6th grade classrooms of the Barrington Middle School's Lime Cluster Students who were asked to complete a weekly journal documenting how COVID 19 was impacting their lives from March-June during…

Jonathan Pitts-Wiley Quarantimes Final II.mp4
Created as part of the 8mm Film Festival
A paper that I couldn't write all my thoughts down on.
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