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The pandemic has resulted in increased signage everywhere -- signs of support, reminders to social distance, mask requirements, etc. This sign is outside the COVID testing site at the Memorial Union on the URI campus. Students, faculty, and staff…

This is one page of an ongoing journal that has been written for 45 years so far.

Ryan Cox graduated from Providence College in 2018 and received his TCP from PC in 2020, and he currently teaches mathematics and music at the Prout School. Ryan reflects on the ways in which he has adjusted his mode of teaching in light of the…

Marelle Hipolito is a junior majoring in theology and minoring in political science at Providence College. A member of the Board of Programmers and Campus Ministry Leadership, she discusses the importance of investing in friendships while on campus…

Fr. Peter Gautsch, O.P. serves as one of the assistant chaplaiins at Providence College. In addition to administering the Sacraments and celebrating Mass, he helps oversee the Peer Ministry program on campus. Fr. Peter shares when and how he found…

Fr. Justin Bolger, O.P. serves as one of the campus ministers at Providence College. He discusses the ways that his ministry has adapted to the pandemic, including a golf cart serenade session, the new Hillbilly Thomists album, and challenges of…

Abbey Wheeler, a senior applied physics and mathematics major at Providence College, discusses the influence that the pandemic has had on her as a student and as an athlete. She shares the ways in which the pandemic has transformed her track…

The City of Providence hosted a 18+ Covid vaccine clinic for the hardest hit zips (02904/5/7/8/9) on 3/27 at PTCA. Ruiz (a midwife and one of the owners at the Columbus Theatre Cooperative) volunteers to help herd the immunity. Dungan is seen here…

Remembering.knowing the visceral ache of being without touch and contact, of loss and of tentative contemplation of being in a contact world again.
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