Browse Items (1657 total)
Meri - "In 2020, I bought a horse. I started taking riding lessons at the age of 8 and rode several times a week through my first year of college. In grad school, I helped take care of a horse who was given to me when his people couldn't afford to…
Maryna & Family - "We are thankful in 2020 for the ability to explore and discover more places in Beautiful Rhode Island! We were tourists in our own state from March- now! Love where you live!"
Mary Ann - "I learned new ways to video communicate with family and friends across the country, attend meetings, such as the Library Board of Trustees, and keep health appointments with my dietician rather than just phone chats. During the pandemic,…
Marisa - "When schools closed the world also seemed to shut down, and my hectic schedule came to a grinding halt. As someone who has spent most of her life either as a student or working in a school, seeing how education was re-built has opened my…

Marilyn - "This has been a very difficult year for me. It's been a year of continuous losses in my life, including the death of my brother, who fell victim to the coronavirus. What I have found is that in the midst of an unprecedented situation which…
Logan - "In 2020 I found the courage to come out to my family and friends"
Joanne - "My daughter and I hunt for sea glass every week. It is a nice time to just be with her and find what the ocean has chosen to give us on that day."

Jessica - "For me, the positives of 2020 came out of a willingness to let go of the past. I'd been delaying decisions and there was something about this pandemic occurring during my 35th year that brought it all into focus. Achieving hiking goals…
Allan Fung - "I'm spending a lot of quality time together with my wife!"
Ed Garcia, Director, Cranston Public Library - "I have been fortunate to have been supported by an amazing team that allowed us to safely reopen the library"
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