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Anthony Earabino - Resetting_Downconvert.mp4
Created as part of the 8mm Film Festival

Amatucci- At Home - Amatucci - 8mm.mp4
Created as part of the 8mm Film Festival

8mm Quarantine.mp4
Created as part of the 8mm Film Festival

8mm Films L.jpg

Secret Compartment 9_22.pdf
Glass Figurine (poem)
Studies and Desks
The Secret Compartment
The Loss (poem)
Sad Afterthoughts

Walking on This Side 8_22.pdf

Sirens 7_22-Rev.pdf

Madeline Mackey 6_22 .pdf

Playthings of God-5_22.pdf
This issue of my pandemic journal is a continuation of my exploration of 19th-century American expansion westward. In March 2022 I covered my great-grandmother Christina Miller’s adventure in frontier Nebraska. This month I turn to my great-uncle…

In this podcast, I talk about how COVID personally affected my life. I talk about what school and being at home was like during COVID.
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