Browse Items (1657 total)
Mary Ann - "I learned new ways to video communicate with family and friends across the country, attend meetings, such as the Library Board of Trustees, and keep health appointments with my dietician rather than just phone chats. During the pandemic,…
Maryna & Family - "We are thankful in 2020 for the ability to explore and discover more places in Beautiful Rhode Island! We were tourists in our own state from March- now! Love where you live!"
Allan Fung - "I'm spending a lot of quality time together with my wife!"
Meri - "In 2020, I bought a horse. I started taking riding lessons at the age of 8 and rode several times a week through my first year of college. In grad school, I helped take care of a horse who was given to me when his people couldn't afford to…
Pam & Norton - "I learned that the human spirit is more resilient than I thought possible. There is good in this world, and it comes out in a blaze of glory during hard times."
Robin - "The best part of 2020 has been spending more time with family and friends at our backyard fire pit which my son built for us this spring. Getting away from screens and being outside is a peaceful and calm way to spend an evening."
Silas - "I got a puppy!"
Tara - "Like most Rhode Islanders, I spent a lot more time at home during 2020 than I usually do, and I chose to fill much of that time with reading. At the end of 2019 I had set a goal of reading fifty books in 2020, and I exceeded that way back in…

Jenna Beatey, a senior elementary and special education major at Providence College, discussed her expereince with the pandemic. She went into great detail about how the pandemic is affecting her student teaching. The interview is about 37 minutes…

Abigail Kojoian, a senior mathematics major and classics minor at Providence College, commented on her experience with the pandemic. She discussed the way that the pandemic has affected her as a commuter student and her learning experience. The…
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