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A google slide set of photos and descriptions for a 6th grade student's experience during quarantine.
A 6th grader's response to write a letter to your past self from before the quarantine and a letter to your future self from next year.
A google slide set of photos and descriptions for a 6th grade student's experience during quarantine.

This is about the best time I had during my first quarantined summer.

I created this art piece for myself of my best friend Dennis. He is not died he is just old and I am conserned a bit. He is a 12 year old Basset hound

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It explains what ive been doing during covid-19 quarintine and what I think of it

this mask, which takes filter inserts and has a nose clip, was made my best friend in Maine. She won first at a Maine state fair in quilting the previous year. It's embroidered with my full name - perhaps in case my corpse needs to be identified?-…


online events label.png
This screenshot shows the emails I've assigned the label "online events." These are event confirmation emails from the Providence Athenaeum, Providence Public Library, Brandeis University (my alma mater), DownCity Design, Association for State &…

Manuel tells us what it was like to experience the COVID lockdown in the Dominican Republic

A student recounts the heartbreak of losing a parent during the pandemic
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