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This edition of the Laurelmead Journal includes creative writing and contributions from residents of Laurelmead Apartments - a senior living facility in Providence, RI. The contents include "Field" [block print illustration] by Jane Roberts,…

This is about my experience in quarantine as a teen.

Laurelmeade Exterior.jpg
Photograph of Laurelmead Cooperative - a 55+ independent living community - in Providence, RI.

Museo del Barrio Paint Day4.jpg
Image of BLM artwork by Latina artist, Tamara Día, on the sidewalk in front of Carolina's Market organized by Rhode Island Latino Arts.
“Place really connects me to history,” said Brent Runyon. “It helps me understand historical timelines and events in ways that learning dates and names never did. I feel like it’s a really powerful tool for connecting us to our past, the good and the…
“In public policy there is this notion of the policy window, and things that are in the policy window are things that are in the realm of possibility,” Ross Cheit said. “And I think that what’s happened in the last few months is the policy window has…
“We’re looking at $48.5 million in direct spending losses for the state of Rhode Island,” said Kristen Adamo on the impact of the coronavirus on tourism. “The hit that our industry has taken has just been massive. We were the first to be hit and I…
Theresa Moore thinks about history. More, she thinks about how we think about history. So when I consider what this moment means for our collective history, I want to listen to Theresa.

Theresa founded T-Time Productions to bring untold inspiring…
I think that Damian Ewens knows a thing or two that is relevant right now.

Damian is founder of Ocean State of Mind, a mindfulness-based science and research initiative supporting ocean conservation and human health. He draws on his background as…
It seems as though Lisa Raiola created Hope & Main, the food business incubator in Warren, from sheer force of will. She saw a need, mobilized a community of believers, and worked her tail off to make it successful. And it is successful; there are…
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