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Essay about my bedroom and other personal reflections.
“Existence Pending”—poem

Recent events in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic have highlighted the inequalities in our society. If all homo sapiens (ie humans) share the same emotions, then our actions, which are based on our emotions/feelings, should be the same when…

Because we couldn’t trick or treat, we got dressed up anyway and did an indoor candy scavenger hunt around the house. We may just continue this next year!
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…

Write Rhode Island's COVID-19 flash non-fiction program Our Lives Now, a co-creation of School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, invites young people in grades 7 through 12 in the state of Rhode Island to submit a 400-word…

My Video.mp4
We talked with Drine Paul and her experience with Covid impacting BreakThrough Providence
An illustration by a 7th grade student of some of the images that come to mind during the 2020 quarentine in RI
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…
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