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WMS_Samantha Stotler.pdf
Past self, future self

Write Rhode Island's COVID-19 flash non-fiction program Our Lives Now, a co-creation of School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, invites young people in grades 7 through 12 in the state of Rhode Island to submit a 400-word…

This slideshow was created for a social studies assignment given to help the De La Salle 8th grade students reflect on the unusual and historic situation brought about by the COVID 19 pandemic. One goal of the project was to give the students a way…

This slideshow was created for a social studies assignment given to help the De La Salle 8th grade students reflect on the unusual and historic situation brought about by the COVID 19 pandemic. One goal of the project was to give the students a way…

Surrounding the solitary brazier are a field of luminaria, each memorializing a Rhode Island soul lost to COVID-19. Beginning on April 16, 2020, the community is invited to join at 8:30 p.m. EDT each evening as we honor and celebrate the lives of…
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…

Line of voters waiting to vote early at Providence City Hall. People were lined up around the building staying socially distanced in order to vote early in the presidential election.
Portrait posted to Instagram as part of the @mask_up_ri initiative created by StyleWeek Northeast (@styleweek), RMO Public Relations (@rmopublicrelations), Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (@goprovidence) and Rhode Island Commerce…
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