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Local writers create among the fields at What Cheer Flower Farm during What Cheer Writers Club's socially distanced write-in.

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Executive Director of What Cheer Flower Farm, Shelby Doggett, delivering free bouquets to healthcare heroes in Miriam Hospital.

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I spotted these signs during a walk on the East Side of Providence in April, in the midst of the first COVID lockdown. One sign reads, "ONLINE ALL ARE WELCOME. SOCIALLY DISTANCED BUT SPIRITUALLY CONNECTED!" The other reads: "SUNDAYS. 10:30 A.M. LIVE…

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I took this photo of my beloved Avon Cinema in late March, when the COVID lockdown was still relatively new. The marquee reads: "OUR 82ND ANNIVERSARY! WE WILL BE BACK. STAY HEALTHY."

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This digital sign in Olneyville advertising a car wash -- "WASH THE VIRUS OFF!!! CAR WASH OPEN 24/7" -- struck me as particularly emblematic of our current moment. And, yesterday, as I was stopped at a traffic light, I was able to snap a picture.

I took this photo on Sun. August 2, 2020 during a community street painting day sponsored by Rhode Island Latino Arts. The artist is Rene Gómez. The location is the corner Ontario Street and Broad Streets. During COVID19, Latinos had the highest rate…

The Southside Community Land Trust has been creating signage for community gardens describing safety practices for gardeners. These signs are in the languages most commonly spoken by the gardeners at Manton Bend.

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Two students wearing masks walk in front of the entrance to the RISD Auditorium.

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A man wearing a mask stands on the sidewalk outside the Coffee Exchange cafe on Wickenden Street in Providence.

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Customers are served at outdoor tables on the sidewalk at a restaurant on Wickenden Street in Providence.
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