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Este documento es una lista de extractos de la correspondencia con las familias de los estudiantes de preescolar durante el aprendizaje a distancia. Queríamos reconocer todo su compromiso y trabajo duro para continuar el aprendizaje y el crecimiento…

families, recognizing.pdf
This document is a list of excerpts from correspondence with Preschool students' families during Distant Learning. We wanted to recognize all of their commitment and hard work to continuing their children's learning and growth during this difficult…

Gretchen Dow Simpson, 80, on a “safe visit” with her grandson, 9.

Toddler day.jpg
Routine became incredibly important for my toddler when the schools closed. Mirroring a day at school, we made a set of cards that we order according to the schedule for the day on a clothesline in our living room. Each morning we look at the…

COVID19 Handprints.jpg
As a mom of 3 young children, trying to explain why we can't leave the house, go to school, see family or friends is difficult. So I used art to help and made it into a creative activity.

Cece, age 11, sews masks for nurses

Cece, age 11, takes classes under her bed

James, age 12, brews a cup of coffee each morning and works from bed with his cat

James, age 12, learned to sew masks for healthcare workers

We were all alone at sunset when my sun spontaneously shouted "Rhode Island!" I hope we can all shout it together soon.
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