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COVID Lafeyette Square_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. In this case what many of the Black Lives Matter protests looked like.

COVID anti mask protest_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. This one looks at one of the anti-mask, anti-shutdown protests.

COVID costco karen_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. This one points to all the people throwing tantrums over having to wear a mask indoors.

COVID maga rally_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020. This one shows some of President Trump's absurd quotes.

COVID shopper_72.jpg
One of the pages of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020

COVID zine cover_72.jpg
The front cover of a zine I made chronicling some events of 2020

Just trump billboard.JPG
Frustrated with four years of Trump and his administration, I crowd funded the money to have this billboard I designed put up in downtown Providence. It was up through the elections.

During the pandemic we all have faced difficulties with jobless, business closed, depression, and evictions. Our homeless community face this daily. During the pandemic our homeless are starving more due to the stay at home order, and business…

During the pandemic the US faced other issues. BLM movement. Business boarded their storefronts for protection from the " RIOTERS " this photo was taking 2 months later and this location did not remove the boards.

COVID affected my work life - remote learning
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