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This student work is the result of an assignment in the 2nd grade classrooms of the Henry Barnard School. Students were asked to complete a time capsule with their families from March-May during the stay-at-home order. Lucy's project includes 10…

MTF Alumni Article 2021.pdf
This is one page from the Spring 2021 LSA Alumni newsletter. It contains an article regarding the Mask Task Force, an initiative of three LSA students which resulted in the donation of 4k face masks to local nonprofits as well as the creation of an…

This student work is the result of an assignment in the 2nd grade classrooms of the Henry Barnard School. Students were asked to complete a time capsule with their families from March-May during the stay-at-home order. Sophie's project includes 11…

My pandemic experience

This student work is the result of an assignment in the 2nd grade classrooms of the Henry Barnard School. Students were asked to complete a time capsule with their families from March-May during the stay-at-home order. This student's project includes…
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to someone living in the year 2120 explaining the experience of COVID 19 in 2020
A 7th grader's response to write a letter to your past self from before the quarentine and a letter to your future self from next year

When things started to look bad, Little Compton Historical Society decided to make simple Two-Minute-Tours of the Wilbor House Museum and other local historic sites in an effort to stay engaged with the organization's audience and provide a little…

Mercymount Country Day School located in Cumberland Rhode Island let their school community know just how much they were missed by placing a special yard sign on the property of every family enrolled in the school! The message speaks for itself as…

A photograph project, edited by Lisa Limer and designed by Jason Tranchida, that documents the impact of COVID-19 on Rhode Island’s capital city. Photographs submitted by residents of Providence were compiled with photographs by Lisa Limer from…
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