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The Earth Is In Our Care.mp4
“The Earth Is In Our Care,” a collaborative project between Notable Works Publication and Distribution Co., Inc. ( and Audubon Society of Rhode Island ( ), addresses the vital issue of climate change while focusing on…

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Write Rhode Island: Our Lives Now is a flash non-fiction program, co-created by School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, that invites young people in grades 7-12 in the state of Rhode Island to reflect on their current…

Write Rhode Island’s COVID-19 flash non-fiction program Our Lives Now, a co-creation of School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, invites young people in grades 7 through 12 in the state of Rhode Island to submit a 400-word…

"In March 2021, folx in the Swearer Center community who worked closely together over the prior year convened to reflect, process, and discuss their collaborations during the global pandemic. These ""Community Conversations,"" featuring Brown…

"In March 2021, folx in the Swearer Center community who worked closely together over the prior year convened to reflect, process, and discuss their collaborations during the global pandemic. These ""Community Conversations,"" featuring Brown…

"In March 2021, folx in the Swearer Center community who worked closely together over the prior year convened to reflect, process, and discuss their collaborations during the global pandemic. These ""Community Conversations,"" featuring Brown…

"In March 2021, folx in the Swearer Center community who worked closely together over the prior year convened to reflect, process, and discuss their collaborations during the global pandemic. These ""Community Conversations,"" featuring Brown…
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