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My Video.mp4
We talked with Drine Paul and her experience with Covid impacting BreakThrough Providence

How COVID-19 Is Affecting Refugees.mp3
Refugees go through lots of difficulty, trouble, and trauma before they apply to come to the US. When they apply to come to the US, they go through a long difficult process to get accepted to come here. A lot of times they don't even get accepted and…


Dr. Susan Grossman, an associate professor in the Department of Social Work at Providence College, shares her experience teaching and living through the pandemic. She describes how she has spent most of the pandemic in New York City, how she has…

Cityside Podcast Mr. Kah Take 2.mp3
Our project is about refugees who come to the US, specifically in search of a job, and what unemployment means in the case of serious medical issues and pandemics. The specific case we studied was Mr. Kah, who is a Liberian refugee who came to the US…

Cityside Podcast Mr. Kah Take 2.mp3
Our project is about refugees who come to the US, specifically in search of a job, and what unemployment means in the case of serious medical issues and pandemics. The specific case we studied was Mr. Kah, who is a Liberian refugee who came to the US…

This podcast is designed to start conversations about Beautiful Day and similar organizations. We give the basic information about Beautiful Day and what they do but we want to provoke conversations about their work.

School motto logo Purple Tweak.jpg

Heavren_Oral History Internship Reflection.pdf
Written reflection by Providence College senior Sarah Heavren on her experience conducting an oral history project that documents the Providence College community's pandemic experience.

Olivia Dickinson is a senior applied physics and mathematics major at Providence College. A member of the track team, she shares the ways in which the pandemic has affected her season, her studies as a STEM major, and her summer research experience.…
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