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WRI_OLN_2020_ CastroShailyn.pdf
Write Rhode Island's COVID-19 flash non-fiction program Our Lives Now, a co-creation of School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, invites young people in grades 7 through 12 in the state of Rhode Island to submit a 400-word…

Photo of a yard sign with the words "We miss our students! Nous sommes si fiers de vous. À bientôt!" in the center and "The French American School" in the upper left corner. On my daily walks in the West End, I've seen several yard signs…

Chalk illustration of four ants carrying a piece of watermelon. To the right are the words "Accomplishing more together". Artist unknown.

Signage on Prospect Park announcing restrictions

This female mallard has become one of my many new waterfowl "friends" during the pandemic. She's part of a group of ducks, geese, swans, pigeons, and seagulls that hang out on the Providence River. Myself and others feed them regularly. I find the…

Digital sign outside the Dunkin' Donuts Center with the phone number for the Rhode Island COVID-19 Info Line

People around the country are putting bears in their windows for children (or anyone) to look for while outside in their neighborhoods. This window on Harrison Street in Providence is, however, full of giraffes, making for a fun sight while out on a…

We need glasses

I made receipts for a book swap with Aaron M today to help keep track of our loans to one another. He lent me "Ten Acres Enough" and I lent him "A Sand County Almanac"
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