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Impacting Communities Through Public Libraries.mp4
For as long as we can remember, we’ve been checking books out of libraries: our school libraries, our public libraries, and even libraries we’ve cultivated in our own homes. But, in addition to books, we realize that libraries are hubs for hundreds…

"Write Rhode Island's COVID-19 flash non-fiction program Our Lives Now, a co-creation of School One and local authors Hester Kaplan and Taylor Polites, invites young people in grades 7 through 12 in the state of Rhode Island to submit a 400-word…

Ghost of Sherlock Journal March 23 .pdf
I am interested in creating imaginative diversions and comments on society as it is evolving during this strange period of the Ukraine war as well as a culture war at home. This is indirectly referred to in this March issue.

Tracy J - The Emergence Tape_Downconvert.mp4
Created as part of the 8mm Film Festival

The Earth Is In Our Care.mp4
“The Earth Is In Our Care,” a collaborative project between Notable Works Publication and Distribution Co., Inc. ( and Audubon Society of Rhode Island ( ), addresses the vital issue of climate change while focusing on…

the Earth is in our care.mp3
This song addresses the climate crisis snd shares ways we can take an active role in dealing with this crisis.The lyrics were published by Notable Works ( in "Voices of the Earth: The Future of Our Planet II in 2020."

The Dorrance boarded up for Black Lives Matter protests

Charlotte describes how she felt in the hours counting down to the performance of her high school musical

The COVID Experience Ian Will and Nate (1).mov
For our Cityside project, our group has decided to focus on COVID-19 and how it has affected different types of buisnesses and orginizations. We want to reach out to churches and non profit organizations to gauge what has happened to them and how…
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