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Este documento es una lista de extractos de la correspondencia con las familias de los estudiantes de preescolar durante el aprendizaje a distancia. Queríamos reconocer todo su compromiso y trabajo duro para continuar el aprendizaje y el crecimiento…

families, recognizing.pdf
This document is a list of excerpts from correspondence with Preschool students' families during Distant Learning. We wanted to recognize all of their commitment and hard work to continuing their children's learning and growth during this difficult…

Gretchen Dow Simpson, 80, on a “safe visit” with her grandson, 9.

In order to have a "date night" without their teenagers present, Sam Adams (46) turned their Westfalia campervan into a restaurant for his wife, Erica (34), complete with a three-course dinner and wine! The kids stayed in the house while Sam and…

Celebrated my 49th Birthday during Epidemic with my children and granddaughters

I am 26 weeks pregnant with my first child in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. In an effort to create some of the typical pregnancy moments and memories, we staged this photo of Grammy "feeling" baby in Mama's belly (while maintaining a safe…

Bob McMahon on COVID-19.mp4
a light hearted look at an everyday family coping with COVID-19
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