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I made receipts for a book swap with Aaron M today to help keep track of our loans to one another. He lent me "Ten Acres Enough" and I lent him "A Sand County Almanac"

Aaron M came outside my house today so we could swap reading material.

Sign installed by Smithfield Fire Fighters (IAFF 2050) at the intersection of Rt. 7 and Rt. 116 in Smithfield. It reads "Together we stand / Six feet apart / Stay Healthy / Help Stop the Spread". Photograph taken at 2:55 pm on April 25, 2020.

Taken from the passenger-side window of a car, this photograph only partially captures the extraordinarily long line for the drive thru of the Starbucks in the Chapel View shopping center in Cranston. Taken at 3:46 pm on 25 April 2020.

Pleasant Valley Parkway is one of 13 miles of Providence streets being closed to through traffic to provide extra space for safe social distancing.

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