Browse Items (21 total)

An illustration visualizing the mental health struggles of students during Covid-19 remote learning, highlighting the disparity in schools' focus on physical health and mental health.

My experience with covid and school was that I felt as though…

A hand drawn illustration of the artist covered by a face mask. The student is reaching for "friends, extended family, and sports" - all just out of reach.

Jack Lou.pdf
One face displays two doctor faces from two different pandemics: Bubonic Plague & Covid-19. The left side is the face and mask of a European plague doctor and the right side is that of a 2020s masked, doctor.

A personal essay describing the student's experience during Covid-19 remote learning.

A digital image from Fortnite's "Creative Mode"depicting an individual at home during Covid-19 and Bubonic plague. The side by side images compare and contrast the housing and resource situations during the separate pandemics.

This piece expresses…

Margaret Mashamba - Part III Unit 1 Assessment.pdf
A personal essay exploring the march of the Black Death in comparison to the spread of Covid-19.

A hand drawn illustration of a student in front of a laptop, surrounded by Covid-19 and masks, keeping student seperate from friends, famly, school, and the world.
A stop motion video comparing the Black Death to Covid-19 through a depiction of remote learning.

In this stop motion animation, I attempt to encapsulate my view of the connections
between the plague and COVID-19. In the beginning of the video,…

A side by side comparison of people in their houses during Covid-19 and the Bubonic Plague in Europe. the Covid-19 side shows people in front of their screens with Covid-19 items spread outside. the right right shows a plague doctor following a cart…

A hand drawn illustration of the Bubonic Plague's impact on Christian Europe as part of a reflective exercise on Covid-19 and historic pandemics.
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