Browse Items (39 total)


WinterSolstice File.pdf
“Mary’s Lord of Misrule”— tale in verse about John Thorogood, a 16th-century musician in the Courts of Henry VIII and Mary Tudor.
“Late Reflections”—poem
South County mills and the rivers and reservoirs that powered them.

War Issue 4_22.pdf
This issue is devoted to war, not only in foreign lands but war against our own citizens by depriving them of civil rights and particularly the vote, their most precious possession. Strange that war arrives just as winter is ending and spring is on…

Walking on This Side 8_22.pdf

“Topography of Kingston Hill”—essay on Potter Wood and Biscuit City Preserves.
“Tefft Hill Pilgrimage”—essay on the Tefft Hill stone circle and Old Mountain Field.
“Vaccinating God!”—poem
Essay—reflections on nature and society.
“Antique Psalm No 1 & 2”—poems
Novella about a Classical Roman poet.
Narrative poems about the Scythian peoples.

Under Olympus Mons 1_23.pdf
A science fiction novella written as part of a regular pandemic journaling project.

Three Esoteric Cases 11_22.pdf
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