Browse Items (39 total)

“Topography of Kingston Hill”—essay on Potter Wood and Biscuit City Preserves.
“Tefft Hill Pilgrimage”—essay on the Tefft Hill stone circle and Old Mountain Field.

Deciding to write a pandemic journal with monthly issues featuring essays, short stories, and poems. Describing the background and motivation which led me to embark on this project.

Land and Sea Escape 1_22 pdf.pdf
"Introduction" (a rather disorganized assessment of where we are these days)
"Visiting Trustom Pond" (going further afield with a fellow music lover)
"Trustom Frolics" (a little epic poem about simple things)
"Nature’s Wedding Dress" (a poem…

Ella Sarrow 2_22 pdf.pdf
A reconstruction of a tragic novella in verse by Alonzo Gibbs

Go West, Christina 3_22.pdf
A novella based on a true family story from the 19th century.

War Issue 4_22.pdf
This issue is devoted to war, not only in foreign lands but war against our own citizens by depriving them of civil rights and particularly the vote, their most precious possession. Strange that war arrives just as winter is ending and spring is on…

Playthings of God-5_22.pdf
This issue of my pandemic journal is a continuation of my exploration of 19th-century American expansion westward. In March 2022 I covered my great-grandmother Christina Miller’s adventure in frontier Nebraska. This month I turn to my great-uncle…

Madeline Mackey 6_22 .pdf

Sirens 7_22-Rev.pdf

Walking on This Side 8_22.pdf
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