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One of the higher education administrators reflects on the impact that the pandemic has had on their job as well as their family. The administrator goes into great detail explaining the efforts of the Continuity Task Force to reopen campus, their…

Jake Turcotte is a sophomore Spanish and biology major at Providence College. On campus, he works as a resident assistant in Suites Hall and serves as the Student Liturgical Ministries Coordinator for Campus Ministry Leadership. In Part 1 of his…

Jenna Beatey, a senior elementary and special education major at Providence College, discussed her expereince with the pandemic. She went into great detail about how the pandemic is affecting her student teaching. The interview is about 37 minutes…

JP Manning, the Retreats Director in the Campus Ministry office at Providence College, talks about his time working from home and the birth of his second son. He explains the ways he has had to adapt his job, the retreat he coordinated, the home…

Kevin Schwalm, a senior business economics major at Providence College, discusses the ways in which the pandemic has influenced his life. As president of the College's Board of Programmers (BOP), a club oriented towards organizing and sponsoring…

Kylie Taylor is a freshman environmental biology major at Providence College. Hailing from the northwest corner of Massachusetts, she talks about the ways in which the pandemic affected her senior year of high school, freshman orientation, and…

Marelle Hipolito is a junior majoring in theology and minoring in political science at Providence College. A member of the Board of Programmers and Campus Ministry Leadership, she discusses the importance of investing in friendships while on campus…

Michaiah Kojoian, a senior Classics major and mathematics minor at Providence College, shared her experience of the pandemic as a commuter student. She discussed the way that the pandemic has affected her thesis, her involvement in music groups, and…

Olivia Dickinson is a senior applied physics and mathematics major at Providence College. A member of the track team, she shares the ways in which the pandemic has affected her season, her studies as a STEM major, and her summer research experience.…

Phionna-Cayola Claude, a graduate student and hall director at Providence College, reflects on the ways in which the pandemic has influenced her as a student and has gifted her with the opportunity with thoughtful and meaningful reflection. She…
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