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The year 2020 was supposed to be a year of celebrations. My fiancé and I, newly engaged and excited, began planning for our wedding shortly after he proposed to me in the summer of 2019. In fact, we found our perfect venue almost immediately after…

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From The Sandwich Hut Facebook: "Soooo our new system is working out just fine. Thanks so much to everyone who’s paid us a visit. Great to see you! If you haven’t made it over yet, this is our little makeshift takeout window on 8th Street. Do stop…

Friends enjoying time on the road

Thinking on Travis and all those who miss him_72.jpg
A piece made after the death of my friend, Travis Nelson. That's him in the middle.

As soon as it was confirmed that there was a pandemic and we were about to be in lock down, I learned how to make fabric face masks. I wanted to be able to make a lot in the event there was a shortage in the hospitals or if someone needed them.

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Travel during covid?? My tips/reflection: •Cooperate! There are many restrictions- just like in RI/MA some places enforce more than others. One restaurant asked if I had been in the state of New Mexico for 14 days, which I hadn’t- I could have lied…

This was completed as an assignment for LCS220, Creativity and the Arts, as a possible mural design expressing what students were feeling at the time.

Toy Theater- Isolating Together.mp4
I created this toy theater as a personal response to being isolated inside, away from friends and collaborators. It was a way to imagine a later, as both a theater-maker and a human, and stew on what we can learn from this virus and its impact.
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