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Coronavirus Documentary .mp4
This is a video highlighting the affects of the Coronavirus. The video talks about life in quarantine, the South Kingstown Community, and the mental health of people.

How my yoga mat has become important during the lockdown

This item depicts how I have dealt with the pandemic and I talk about how I am staying active and healthy and attempting to cheer everyone up and inspire a positive outlook.


Recent events in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic have highlighted the inequalities in our society. If all homo sapiens (ie humans) share the same emotions, then our actions, which are based on our emotions/feelings, should be the same when…

Toy Theater- Isolating Together.mp4
I created this toy theater as a personal response to being isolated inside, away from friends and collaborators. It was a way to imagine a later, as both a theater-maker and a human, and stew on what we can learn from this virus and its impact.

Output Formats

atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2