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Poster in Lippitt Park, on an electrical box, in support of prisoner release

Poster in Lippitt Park, on an electrical box, in support of prisoner release

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Restaurants have gotten creative with ways to maintain social distancing while serving take-out food. Nam Khong in Westerly has a full plastic barrier -- with flaps for credit card / cash and food -- between the customer and restaurant staff.

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The Bike Stop Cafe in Narragansett has a no-contact curbside system in which customers call to order and pay by credit card over the phone. Each customer is then given a number and when they arrive, they pick up their food from the designated spot.

Mews Restaurant in Wakefield RI. Many restaurants and other businesses created curbside delivery systems to allow patrons to order and pick up items without entering buildings or getting close to people. This image shows a sign with customer…

Photo of hand-drawn sign stapled onto a utility pole. The sign has "thank you for wearing your mask" written on it as well as illustrations of three face masks. The sign was posted near Blackstone Park on Providence's East Side.

within a day it comes to pass that I can no longer do the things I do. can't work because classes are cancelled. can't see p because level 3 protocols. can't and can't and can't. me and millions of others. alone not alone.
first of a series of…

Jennifer Wilson (34) and Brendon Boucher (36) were married at their home in Pawtucket, RI, on Friday, May 15, 2020.

They had made plans to elope to New York City in May 2020. Due to COVID-19 travel limitations put in place in March, they…

Coffee station.jpg
What appears to be a simple coffee station, actually represents a measure of anxiety. Since a trip to the supermarket for those of us with risk factors is now very anxiety-producing, the calendar is measured by how many coffee pods remain before a…

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This is the street where I live. It is 840 steps from my mailbox to the end of the street, and for many, many days, this is my only experience of "civilization" beyond my four walls. I have walked up and down this street until I think I know every…
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